Do you remember the last time when…

It was one of those rare evenings when I got to travel alongside a young beautiful girl. Generally, travelling agencies do not allocate you the seat beside a female traveler. Fortunately, that day, they made a mistake or something. But, for young solo travelers like me, such mistakes are always welcome. Surprisingly, even the lady wasn’t concerned about travelling alongside a male passenger. She was on her own ride, in her wonderland. She was beautiful. Her straight hair were pulled up in a side braid and tapering down to the nape of her neck. Her eyes were swarming with light and joy, her soul completely exposed in one glance. Not only her beauty but the gleam in her eyes, the never ending smile on her face and her eternal energy excited me. She was calling her family and friends one by one. My headphones were plugged in but, I had pressed ‘pause’ button on my music player. I was listening to her charming voice. She had just got selected through some auditions. She was just so happy, cheerful and confident. Her actions were saying that she had succeeded in doing something she always wanted to do. She was chasing her dreams and she was successful. She had succeeded in doing something that had always excited her soul. A month has passed from then and I had already forgotten the face of the girl. But, I am sure I could never forget the enchanted spirit of her soul. I am still amazed at her cheerfulness and from that day, I am thinking about the time when I was cheerful like she was. Fortunately, I remembered few such moments from the recent past and mere memories of those moments rejuvenated my life. So, from then, whenever I feel down, I look back for such priceless moments and this little quest through the past lift my spirits up. In this pursuit of happiness, I ask myself few questions like –

Do you remember the last time when you did something that excited your soul?
Do you remember the last time when you risked everything for your dream?
Do you remember the last time when you did something that made you feel, “Oh my god? I can’t believe I did that.”
Do you remember the last time when you challenged your limits?
Do you remember the last time when you refused to sink?
Do you remember the last time when you tried something you were always afraid of doing your whole life?
Do you remember the last time when you did something that brings you joy?
Do you remember the last time when failed miserably but didn’t give up?
Do you remember the last time when you cut your excuses and took actions towards your goals?
Do you remember the last time when you set a new goal for yourself?
Do you remember the last time when you were the most humble and hardest worker in your work?
Do you remember the last time when you wrote down the ideas in your mind?
Do you remember the last time when you kept on trying when there seemed to be no hopes at all?
Do you remember the last time when you went on an adventurous outing?
Do you remember the last time when you did something creative?
Do you remember the last time when you broke a bad old habit?
Do you remember the last time when you took up a new hobby?
Do you remember the last time when you invested your resources in your personal and professional development?
Do you remember the last time when you read a good book?
Do you remember the last time when you analyzed your routine and made necessary changes to it to improve your caliber?
Do you remember the last time when you spent a whole day without complaining?
Do you remember the last time when you appreciated what you had and felt grateful about it?
Do you remember the last time when you focused on how much blessed you are instead of how much stressed you are?
Do you remember the last time when you slayed your fear?
Do you remember the last time when you stayed committed to making changes you want to better yourself, your life and your future?
Do you remember the last time when you loved somebody unconditionally?
Do you remember the last time when you visited your siblings and planned a surprise picnic/hangout with them?
Do you remember the last time when you told your mother how much you love her?
Do you remember the last time when you told your father how much grateful you are to him?
Do you remember the last time when you loved back the people who treat you right?
Do you remember the last time when you called up your old childhood friend without any particular reason?
Do you remember the last time when you attempted to understand someone?
Do you remember the last time when you encouraged someone?
Do you remember the last time when told somebody how much they mattered to you?
Do you remember the last time when you prayed for somebody who are voiceless, scared, hurt, mistreated, sick or abused and helped them smile again?
Do you remember the last time when you became someone’s sunshine when their skies were grey?
Do you remember the last time when you expressed your gratitude to somebody who helped you?
Do you remember the last time when you prayed for the people who are not compassionate about you?
Do you remember the last time when you did something obliviously to the world that was full on madness?
Do you remember the last time when you opened the album of childhood photos and laughed at all the crazy things you did back then?
Do you remember the last time when you laid on the grass and watched the sky?
Do you remember the last time when you walked on the beach or climbed up a mountain?
Do you remember the last time when you danced in the rain?
Do you remember the last time when you slept for hours without worries of tomorrow?
Do you remember the last time when you laughed cheerfully like a kid does?
Do you remember the last time when you did something with good intentions?
Do you remember the last time when you helped somebody generously?
Do you remember the last time when you planted a tree?
Do you remember the last time when gave a stray dog something to eat?
Do you remember the last time when kept some water for birds in your balcony?
Do you remember the last time when you appreciated the blue-collar workers around you for their hard work?
Do you remember the last time when you honestly admitted your mistake to somebody and asked for their pardon?
Do you remember the last time when you listened to somebody without arguing with them?
Do you remember the last time when you didn’t let hate control you?
Do you remember the last time when you held back your anger and succeeded to calm down the situation?
Do you remember the last time when you spoke out what you really felt regardless of circumstances?
Do you remember the last time when you denied being a people pleaser?
Do you remember the last time when you said exactly what you meant?
Do you remember the last time when you your actions matched your words?
Do you remember the last time when you kept your promises in the toughest conditions?
Do you remember the last time when you purposefully stayed away from the drama and negativity?
Do you remember the last time when you stopped being a hypocrite?
Do you remember the last time when you stopped somebody from doing something wrong?
Do you remember the last time when you kept fighting for the good?
Do you remember the last time when you felt offended by the real problems on the earth?
Do you remember the last time when you didn’t care about internet or social media and enjoyed simplest pleasures of the Mother Nature? 

Dearest Friends,
I believe if you could remember a few of such moments in your life, if you can list out numerous moments when asked about the most unforgettable moment in your life, you’ve lived your life. If not, you are not late yet. Don’t play small with your talents and abilities. Don’t dishonor yourself. Love yourself. The whole world will be in love with you.

Most of the people here only exist. Be the ones who live their life to the fullest.  

Life is beautiful… LiVESTRONG..

- Swapnil Sanjaykumar Kotecha


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