Happy Father’s Day DAD!!!

U know Dad, I don’t need this FB post or a Father’s Day to tell u how much I luv u and how much u mean 2 me. But, today when I’m 2 much busy in my so called busy life that, I failed 2 come down 2 see u, I remember ur busy schedules and the precious moments u spared for us. I remember u asking mom, whether we have eaten well before u start ur dinner even in the late nights. I remember how u invested whole of ur life with all of ur interest in us. I wonder how u managed time to play with us, hang out with us and fulfill our silly demands. Today, when I have just started making money and doing some day job, I realize that, how hard this game of life is. But, I am amazed that, how elegantly u played it and are still playing it.
People nowadays go on hunting for some source of inspiration; attend motivational workshops and seminars, read self-help books or so. Fortunately, I never needed all this stuff. For me, u r an inexorable source of energy, never ending.
U know Dad, when I saw u on the bed last year, when u met that accident, with broken leg, injured, bruised and weak (medically), I was broken. My spirits were down, I cried hard when I was alone. I was afraid and shattered but u… u weren’t. With that broken leg and severe wounds, u were still strong, fearless and energized. And u know, from that day, I have learned this art of living – Standing strong even when u r broken.
Dad, I owe a lot to u, everything, my breaths, my life, my name, my fame (little earned) and everything I have today. I will owe it 2 u forever. I am sure, both me and @Nikhil Kotecha will go very long in this journey, will get the better of life, but will never forget to acknowledge that, everything we have, is all just because of u, ur lessons, ur adamant smile, ur relentless efforts and ur distinct ways of fighting with life. Dad, U r a Worrier… a Peaceful Warrior… u r my hero.
May god bless u with loads of happiness and good health always… Long Live DAD… Happy Father’s Day!!!


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