The Real Independence Day...

This might be the 1st Independence Day since my school days when I woke up early in the morning. Thanks to die-hard fan following of NaMo. (Otherwise it would also be a just another holiday for me too like every other so called Patriotic Indian). Our drawing room was overflowing with lads eager to listen to the 1st ever Prime Ministerial speech of Mr. Narendra Modi. And then, I too joined them. I want to highlight the fact that, I am neither a follower of any political party nor of any such political leader. But, I was astonished to the thoughts of Mr. Modi. At least somewhere in his speech, he has understood the necessity of awareness regarding basic fundamentals of the nation building. We have reclaimed our independence at the cost of warriors like Bhagat Singh, Chandrashekhar Azad, Savarkar and Lokmanya Tilak. But, is this the same India, these great fighters have fought for?? Is this the independence these great people have thought of???

If you can spit anywhere on the road, and you think this as independence, I am sorry my friends, you are wrong…

If our national flag is lying on the road and you are passing by inattentively, you have overestimated your independence…

If you are free to smoke and drink in the public, if you can misbehave without any hesitations in the public, you have misinterpreted the meaning of independence…

If your important deals are the results of the bribes you have offered, you have misconstrued independence…

If our schools are more interested in earning chunks of money than creating knowledge hubs or educating life values to their students, people have misread the independence…

If our lawyers are more interested in the bypassing our laws and setting the lawbreakers free, they have misjudged independence…

If our doctors can execute the act of female foeticide without any guilt and without any fear of the law, they have ill-treated independence…

If our accountants are only busy in finding new ways of Tax evasions, our independence is miscalculated…

If our police forces are not truthful to their duties, insensible about law enforcements and misuse their powers, our independence is locking up…

If our businessmen are busy making profits and expanding their empires by the tangled web of lies or by depressing prices of raw materials, by cutting wages of poor workers, we are too poor to be independent...

If our politicians have freedom to promise anything at the times of elections and not fulfilling their promises, all the promises regarding our independence being safeguarded are untruthful…

If our leaders are corrupt and dishonest, if our leaders have criminal backgrounds, if our leaders are misguiding, and even then they are being followed blindly, our independence is misleading…

If our news reporters are more interested in page 3 gossips and being paparazzi or creating buzz with breaking news rather than being authentic source of information, authenticity of our independence shall be reassessed...

If our girls are being raped brutally, we are not eligible to talk about independence…

If crime against women is the most threatening thing to the freedom of any women, our independence is endangered…

If our daughters are still being harassed for dowry, our independence is overrated…

If we can write or carve anything on our national monuments, then independence is being engraved wrongly in our society…

If we can throw plastic or garbage anywhere, our idea of independence needs to be reconsidered...

If our young generation is more fascinated about social media than social activities, if they are not at all concerned about the happenings around them and if they are vulnerable and exposed to the crimes or drugs and other such elusive habits, the our new generation is immaturely independent…

If our freedom permits us to forget about generosities, our responsibilities, our values and ethics, our independence is immoral…

If we have freedom to cut trees without any concerns about Mother Nature, our independence is of no use…

As said by William Thackeray, author of Vanity Fair, ‘The moral world has no particular objection to vice, but an unbeatable hatred to hearing vice called by its proper names.’ We Indians do everything - bad, worse and worst but do not want it to be called bad.

Guys, where are we leading our India towards?

I have seen people fighting about whether to post Indian flag on social media or setting it as profile picture. I have seen their patriotism overflown while proving it against the law. But, does somebody really care? I find it most unpleasant to celebrate our independence in the shadow of such boasted patriotism. Yes, boasted patriotism! There is a very narrow line between being a Patriot and showing off patriotism. Is our patriotism is really that shallow that it needs a show off?? Someday or other we all have to face the truth. Our entire lie will be exposed someday. There is nothing I detest so much as insensitive and unreal utterers of patriotic verses, the unresponsive, irresponsible and inconsiderate people who don’t even care about the country.
So, if you really love our India and really care about its Independence, reassess the definition of your nationalism, reevaluate your love towards our country and be a real compatriot.

I hope, someday in the future, my country will blossom as thought of by its greatest freedom fighters… Maybe someday I will celebrate the real Independence Day…



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